Friday, September 21, 2007

Poison Clan 1985 West Philly

Poison Clan ____ original West Philly CREW


Little story behind this mixtape I get this tape from my Boy Joe Whipple back in 1985 his cuz was in the Crew and I made several dubs of this tape till one day I didn't have it anymore.... you know you lend **** out and never get it back anyways 10 years ago I was visiting one of Homeboys in Philly, I don't live there anymore and he gave me a box of mixtapes...... Yep it was in there, even though my boy tried to tell me that it was from a old crew he was in blah blah blah........still had some of the original skips in it from when I accidently hit record on the BoomBox hahaha


Anonymous said...

Good post.

Olskool4real said...

Yo man where you at homie?This should be nice only thing is the links is dead I guess so by now hgh? Can you please come back around to re upping this joint?Thanks